Rocks and Pebbles
The relationship between time and intention
We have to spend more time intentionally.
The things we ought to accomplish are made up of plenty little tasks.
We have to schedule it and follow through; otherwise, we just get caught in the waves of the various things and activities that make up our daily lives whether it's playing video games, working, watching Netflix, or scrolling through social media.
We have to execute time blocking where we decide that this certain span of time is solely, purely, utterly, and exclusively dedicated to certain tasks that only acts of God are allowed to break.
Emotions are great feedback systems but we ought to not let them rule. Logic should be king. Suffering is inevitable and we just have to choose what we're suffering for - the things that bring about enough pleasure amidst the pain. We didn't evolve to be always satisfied. We naturally have the tendency to see areas of improvement to get us closer to perfection despite our asymptotic relationship with it.
It's time to rage against the dying light, and be hungry yet satisfied that we're doing what we can to get what we want - to be discontented enough to drive us to be better, yet grateful for what we currently have.
And if you're tired, you deserve to rest. We can't be Spiderman all the time. Sometimes, we can just be Peter Parker. Even machines that are created to be more efficient than human beings can't be running 200 mph all the time.
Here's to making the most of our lives and making today count - it's the only time that exists anyway.